Job 22:21-22, “Submit to God and be at peace with Him; in this way prosperity will come to you. Accept instruction from His mouth and lay up His Words in your heart.”

In this journey of faith, you will experience challenges and miracles – and both are reminders that we are not in control. That’s healthy and good for us spiritually because there is no easier pathway to pride than the illusion of control.

Be careful if you think that you’re in control! It is likely that there is going to be a situation beyond your control lurking around the corner. Jesus reminded us, in Luke 12:16-21, that we cannot control the number of our days – our lives are in God’s Hands. Luke 12:20, “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’”What will you do when something beyond the ability of your wisdom, natural talents and gifts, money, position or possessions hits? That is why we need to watch and pray (Matt 26:41).

Ask any man or woman of faith, and they will tell you that their lives were defined by miracles and challenges and both are necessary to reach a new level in life. Simon Peter is a good example of this in Luke 5:1-10. The disappointment of toiling all night preserved him for redemption because if he had the desired catch of fish that night, he would have left the lake when Jesus needed a boat to preach from. He would not have known his need for a Saviour if he had been self-sufficient. God designed and arranged these events and a fruitless night of fishing turned to a morning of miracles resulting in Simon’s divine appointment to fisher of men. As Psalm 30:5 strengthens us, “weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”

Miracles and challenges are a reminder we are not in control but God is. As Christians, we are not here to control the Controller, to command the Commander or to instruct the Instructor. We are here to surrender to Him.

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, grant me the grace to trust only You and not lean on my own understanding. Thank You that as I submit to You, You are making my paths straight. In Jesus’ Name, amen.