“Greetings! My name is Igor from Russia. I came to Russia in 1996, and the Lord Jesus called me. I repented and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Before that, I was a Muslim. I have had many miracles in my life by the grace of God. I have a close relationship with God but one secret sin kept me from entering my calling. I was tormented with pornography for 22 years. I received prayer for deliverance more than 150 times but things continued as before. Gradually, it was getting worse and worse. There seemed no way for me to get out, and I decided to ask Brother Chris for prayer. By the grace of God, I participated in the Interactive Prayer Service with Brother Chris on August 3, 2024. He prayed, the anointing of the Holy Spirit came upon me, and I received freedom. Ever since then, I am free from this secret sin. Thank God for choosing Brother Chris for my deliverance.”