“Grace and peace to you all. My name is Airies from Philippines. I have sent many prayer requests to God’s Heart TV for my family and friends. I did not ask for my own healing but the Lord Jesus knows what I need, even when I don’t. I have been consistent in joining Interactive Prayer Services via Zoom since January 2024 – and I have seen too many changes in my life. I ‘accidentally’ found God’s Heart TV on YouTube and since then, my journey to God started. During the prayer, it’s not normal for me to see people manifesting by the power of the Holy Spirit and being healed instantly. It’s mind blowing for me!
“In my case, during the Interactive Prayer, there was no manifestation – I just vomited light saliva. My first prayer request was about releasing forgiveness to my mother. That was all. I noticed day-by-day after joining the prayer that I felt lighter and lighter. I totally forgave her and those who hurt me physically and mentally. I was healed from childhood trauma, anger, anxiety, hormonal imbalance and being short tempered. I know forgiveness is the main reason why I got my own healing.
“I was infected with toenail fungus for nine years. Sometimes, it would produce a yellowish fluid called pus and it was swollen. When the weather was cold, it was really painful and itchy. When I joined Interactive Prayer in January 2024, I did not mention this in my prayer request but afterwards, I noticed the infected toe dried up and I cut that nail. I now have a new toenail which has regrown completely and I am healed. Thank You, Jesus!
“I was also healed from car sickness. I used to take pills every time I rode in any vehicles. Even when I took pills, I still felt dizzy, nauseous and had severe headaches. But when I travelled after joining the prayer, I didn’t take any pills because I forgot to – but there were no worries in my heart and I was calm while travelling. Everything was normal and I enjoyed the ride!
“I sent a prayer request for my friend in USA without him knowing. He told me after prayer that when he went to the doctor for a test, everything came out normal and the doctor was surprised. I also noticed changes in my mother’s behaviour. She now talks gently and nice words come out. Thank You, Jesus. I have so much love for our Lord Jesus Christ for His kindness, love and mercy. He is so faithful to me, even when I am not to Him. Thank You Lord Jesus! You healed me. You changed me. You made me a better version of myself. You know me better than I know myself. You know what I need even when I don’t.
“People of God, my advice is that every day is a battle in the realms of the spirit but trust in the Lord your God because He really knows you and He knows what you need. Be still and know that he is God. Thank you so much, Brother Chris and God’s Heart TV Team.”