“Grace and peace to you all. My name is Joshua from Zambia. Nothing is impossible with God! He saved me from a serious addiction to alcohol. Greetings to everyone. I want to share the good things God has done for me. I want to thank God for His mercy by providing the world with people who seek His heart that He is using to bring sanity and change to the world – people like Brother Chris and his team at God’s Heart TV. I had struggled with the addiction to alcohol for 20 years. I started drinking alcohol after I experienced disappointment and accusations about something I knew nothing about. A girl I slept with two weeks earlier died as she was trying to conduct an abortion for a pregnancy of five months. Because of shame and regret after I was accused – even though I had nothing to do with her death – I resorted to drinking alcohol and that is how I became addicted.
“Children of God, I had no timetable for when to drink alcohol. I could drink at any time. For me, I had this kind of thirst for alcohol and when it struck me, I would do anything to get it. Even if I did not have money to buy beer, I would borrow and buy any cheap alcohol so that I could quench my thirst. This behaviour led me to be always broke and it slowly affected my marriage, career and finances. It landed me into serious problems in many ways and my relationship with God became poor. Before this addiction, I used to be a God-fearing child. On December 15, I participated in the Interactive Prayer Service with Brother Chris through Zoom. When the servant of God prayed for me, nothing happened to me physically but I believed. Brother Chris encouraged us, ‘Even if you don’t feel any physical reaction during prayer, just believe because God is going to break those chains as long you are connected to this service’. People of God, from that time, I have not felt that kind of thirst. The urge of wanting to drink alcohol is gone! Indeed, God’s time is the best. I tried so many things to stop drinking but I did not manage at all. It is only God who can do what man’s eyes see as impossible and make it possible!”