“Grace and peace to you all in the name of Jesus. My name is Bertha. I live in South Africa but I’m from Malawi. I have many testimonies to share of what God has done in my life. I was having back pain for almost eight years. This back pain was like an object moving in my body. Even my chest was so painful and I was struggling to breathe. It felt like I was having a heart attack, like something was trying to stop my heart. I was very scared of this situation. I sent my prayer request to God’s Heart TV, joined an Interactive Prayer Service and people of God, I’m very happy to say that I’m healed! My second testimony is that I was having flu for three months. I became very weak. Even at work, I started sleeping during my working hours. People of God, after joining the Interactive Prayer, I am beautifully healed! I have regained so much energy. Now, I can work and work! Glory to our Heavenly Father, Jesus. The third testimony is that I bought a piece of land in a miraculous way. I thank God for His mercy and favour. Also, thanks to Brother Chris and the God’s Heart TV Team. My advice to the people out there is that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. All we need is to hold onto Him. He is able!”