“Good morning, God’s Heart TV. My name is Nyawa from Zambia. I can’t seem to thank you and thank God enough. Your prayers have kept me going. I have seen the hand of God in my life through the Interactive Prayer Services. Mountains that scared and depressed me in the past have been overcome. My health has been restored and I have experienced a breakthrough in my academics. Thank You, Jesus Christ!
“I was afflicted with sinusitis from 2016 until April 2022. Because of this, my nose was always either blocked or running, whatever the weather. The also caused me to have sleep apnoea, difficulty in breathing and I had to avoid certain foods. This condition affected my self-esteem. It was extremely low because most people avoided and wouldn’t associate with me, and I used to feel like an outcast. Until April 2022 when I attended the Interactive Prayer Service with Brother Chris for the first time! Ever since then, I can breathe properly, sleep properly and interact normally with others. Indeed, distance is not a barrier. Just believe!
“Apart from my health, I had been applying for my master’s degree for three years but at each attempt, I was left out. I was never even once invited for interviews. My situation made me doubt, complain a lot and compare myself to others. But I continued joining the Interactive Prayer Services and by God’s mercy, I received an email inviting me for an interview in May 2023. By the grace of God, I was given an acceptance letter to travel abroad under a full scholarship to further my studies. It really wasn’t an easy journey but I continued praying along with Brother Chris, and I would like to thank God because I am now a master’s degree holder in Mathematical Sciences!
“I would like to encourage my fellow youths pursuing their studies or their choice of career. It may not be an easy journey and sometimes we might feel like giving up as nothing seems fruitful – but we need to hold on to God. As Brother Chris says – being prayed for or believing in God will not eradicate all our problems. As long as we are in the flesh and on earth, we will face challenges but with God it is bearable and we will overcome. I would also like to encourage my fellow youths to live a life pleasing to God, despite the many temptations of our generation, and avoid comparing yourself to others. At God’s time, everything is beautiful! Thank you, Brother Chris, and thank you, God’s Heart TV.”