“My name is Grace, a Zimbabwean living in Namibia. Before l joined the Interactive Prayer Service, l was suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. My stomach was always bloated and I was having diarrhoea every day of my life. At first, l thought to myself that it was maybe due to something l ate that had upset my stomach – but it became an everyday problem. I started self-medicating with medications and ginger tea that helps to stop bloating and diarrhoea but still the problem persisted. On October 5, 2024, l joined the Interactive Prayer Service with God’s Heart TV on YouTube with no particular prayer request in my mind. When Brother Chris was praying, l just touched my stomach as he was praying and l felt the urge to burp. So, l was burping throughout the prayer. In the days after the prayer, l noticed my stomach was very light and my stool became normal. No more heaviness and no more diarrhoea! To God be the glory, l was delivered and healed. Thank You, Jesus Christ. Indeed, distance is not a barrier to the anointing of God!”