“Grace and peace to you all in Jesus’ name. My name is David from South Africa. My problem started in January 2024. I went somewhere to do a job for a day and a few days after that job, I started to feel severe inflammation in my head or brain. It was so painful. It was also from that moment that I started to have serious memory loss. After a few days, I noticed that the inflammation was not getting better, so I decided to see a doctor. The doctor examined me and said to me, ‘David, I don’t see anything wrong with you, but I am going to give you something to calm you down’. He prescribed two types of pills. People of God, I had no idea that he gave me pills for severe depression and anxiety. He asked me to take the pills for two weeks and to return to him. That was in March 2024. After two weeks, the pills were finished, but I didn’t go back to him. This is when I got into serious trouble.
“One morning as I was driving to work with my colleague, she was having a conversation with me, but I had no interest in what she was saying nor did I have any desire to speak at all. When I arrived at work, I noticed I was becoming very afraid – uncontrollable fear. I called my boss and asked that I go to see a doctor because I felt very sick. I arrived at the clinic and requested to see the same doctor. When I got into his office, I explained to him that the previous day, I could not even deposit money at the ATM. I could not even understand how the ATM machine worked. He was visibly concerned and said to me, ‘Do you want me to prescribe the same pills?’ I said no. He then prescribed different pills but when I got home, I read the label and realised that he gave me pills for depression again. I refused to take them. That night, I had a dream where I saw myself on a small land with other people in the middle of the sea. I quickly jumped in one of the speedboats that were there. As I was driving away, a man shouted, ‘He is escaping’ and a woman answered, ‘Don’t worry, he will come back’ and then I woke up.
“People of God, from that day, I could not sleep. I had serious suicidal thoughts. I had extreme anxiety. I could not even close the door of my house at night as it felt like the house was too small. I also could not sit in one place for five seconds. It was impossible. It was as if something had total control of my body. My life was filled with fear that I had never experienced before. I would just sit on the bed and hear a very strong voice saying to me, ‘Run’. I would lie on the bed until the next morning resisting this urge to run. I decided to go to the government hospital. After they checked me, they also gave me pills for depression which I chose not to take. I thought to myself, ‘This is my end. I am not coming out of this.’ People of God, I have never experienced something so horrible in my life. I had never in my life thought about killing myself. Just the thought of me killing myself was unbearable.
“But in my lowly state, there was still hope in me. I sent a prayer request to God’s Heart TV and I was invited to join the Interactive Prayer. After joining the prayer, I noticed that the voice of suicidal thoughts was getting weaker and weaker. I continued sending prayer requests and each time Brother Chris prayed for me, I would feel even stronger than before. People of God, today, I have no suicidal thoughts and I sleep like a baby! All the nightmares are gone. My advice is that nothing is too hard for God. No matter how big your problem is, you need to train yourself not to panic and lose control. Pray and leave it for God. One thing is for sure – God does not make mistakes and He will see you through. Thank You, Jesus! Thank you, Brother Chris, for making yourself available for Jesus to use you to save many people’s lives. Thank you, God’s Heart TV Team. God bless you all!”