“Greetings to all God’s children, God’s Heart TV Team and Brother Chris. My name is George from Zambia. I want to share my testimony and what the Lord has done in my life is so wonderful. On April 6, 2024, I had an opportunity to attend the Interactive Prayer Service. I had to cover a distance of about 40 kilometres for me to attend the service where the network was good enough to join because I was working in a rural area as a teacher. Before attending the service, I had a lot of attacks in my sleep. From the day I received prayer, all the disturbances in my sleep vanished!
“At that time, the process of my work transfer was delayed – but the place was not where I wanted to go because it was in Monze District, instead of Livingstone District. I kept my faith and continued praying for the best outcome. Indeed, there is God who answers prayers! Within a month, another transfer letter was sent – from Monze to Livingstone. This really made all of my colleagues surprised. Even I was equally marvelled because I only worked for one month at the new station and right now, I am in Livingstone where I have joined my family. To God be the glory! I am so happy for what the Lord has done in my life.”