“Grace and peace to you. My name is Monwabisi from South Africa. I was suffering from osteoarthritis on my right knee. I couldn’t walk. The pain was too much. I am a dressmaker by profession but I couldn’t even sit at my machine and do my work because it was so difficult for my knee to bend. I joined the Interactive Prayer with Brother Chris on the first week of July 2023. I was prayed for and after the prayer, I felt light. At first, I doubted my healing but before the end of that week, I was able to walk to the shops without pain! I started sewing on my machine and my knee was bending with no pain. People of God, I was even able to drive after three years of sitting at home with this terrible knee pain, for which I was taking tablets every day. I want to thank God’s Heart TV for praying for me and following up with me on my condition. Thank You, Jesus. God bless you!”