“Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I’m Rosina from Namibia. I would like to glorify the Lord for His goodness in my life. I have two testimonies to share! Early in 2024, when my expected delivery date was drawing near, I submitted a prayer request for safe delivery as I usually had diabetes during my pregnancies. Everything went well until the day of delivery when my blood pressure suddenly shot up, even though I was never diagnosed with high blood pressure before. My doctor advised that since I was running low on my amniotic fluid and the pregnancy was overdue, I should go for induced labour. Despite all the challenges, the Lord helped me through them all and I delivered a healthy baby boy without complications to the glory of God. During labour and delivery, I meditated on Psalm 121:2. I named him Christo meaning “follower of Christ” and “bearing Christ”.
“Later during the year, towards the end of October, Christo was hospitalised and was later diagnosed with pneumonia, an infection of the lungs, and spent almost a week in hospital. While in hospital, I sent a prayer request to God’s Heart TV and was invited to the Interactive Prayer Service on November 2. That Saturday was the worst of all the days for Christo as he was crying non-stop from the pain and was refusing to take in any food or breastmilk. I was meditating on Isaiah 53:5. During the Interactive Prayer, when Brother Chris said, ‘Touch the part of your body where you are experiencing pain’, I touched Christo‘s chest and declared healing in Jesus’ name. People of God, immediately after the Interactive Prayer, Christo was completely healed. To the glory of God, his fever normalised, the severe coughing and crying stopped and for the first time, he slept peacefully after many sleepless nights. When the doctor came to check up on him on Sunday morning, he said he could be discharged the next day on Monday.
“My encouragement to the people of God is to run to God and not from Him during challenging times. Meditate on His Word; believe and trust Him with all your heart and He will surely come through for you. Let’s not consult witchdoctors or sangomas (Leviticus 19:31) but rather godly people who are Spirit-filled. Also, when going through difficult and trying times, remember all the good things the Lord has done for you in the past. This will encourage you and give you more confidence to believe that He is able, reliable and trustworthy and that He will surely come through for you once again. Thank You, Jesus! Thank you, Brother Chris, and the God’s Heart TV Team!”