“My name is Anthony from Houston, Texas. I joined my dad in the United States in October 2003 at the age of 12. I went to school and university in Chicago. After graduation, I had no job for almost two years until I joined the United States Navy. I went through a lot of trials and tribulations but still saw God’s hand on my life. After eight years of service, I decided to leave the US Navy. I had a difficult time looking for a job, even with all the resources available to US military veterans. Fortunately, I came across Brother Chris on Facebook and I immediately joined because I believe he is a true man God and was under the tutelage of Prophet T.B. Joshua. So, I joined the Interactive Prayer Service in September and I was so sure in my heart that I would receive my heart desires. I just want to give God the glory for giving me a job after nine months of searching and for just rearranging my life and making it worth living.”