“Grace and peace be with you all. My name is Kabukabu from Zambia. I wrote to God’s Heart TV to request for prayer because I was experiencing delay in my menstruation. I did not see my menstruation for a few months. This was causing me to have backache and I was experiencing pain around my tubes, which is what I would usually experience during my period – but for all this time, I did not see my menses. On July 6, the first Saturday of July, I was privileged to be given an opportunity to join the Interactive Prayers. During prayer time, there was a power cut in our area, so I could not even finish the prayers. But I believed that God had located me and my family. During prayers, I did not feel anything. I was praying for peace within me because this issue gave me a lot of stress. The day after the prayer, I felt peace and told God that whatever happens, I still trust Him as my God. A week after praying with Brother Chris, my menstruation came back. This time around, I did not experience any pain anywhere in my body. No back pain. No pain in my tubes. No stomach ache. No body pains – nothing! I have come back to testify because I know we overcome through the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. I give my God the glory for what He has done for me. Thank You, Jesus Christ, for healing me. Thank you, Brother Chris, for allowing God to use you. May God continue to use you and God’s Heart TV mightily and may He increase you in all areas. Glory be to God Almighty!”