Ephesians 4:15, “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of Him who is the Head, that is, Christ.”
Many go to church, read christian literature or browse sermons on the internet seeking words of affirmation to escape a guilty conscience obtained from self-centred choices. However, it is not man’s eloquent words, an emotional plea or the delivery of a charismatic message that will change you – it is the truth of God’s Word. It is the truth that sets us free.
Never dilute the truth out of sympathy for someone’s situation. Furthermore, never water down or compromise the truth because of your natural connection to someone. It is dangerous to withhold the truth from someone because they are a friend or family member or because the person is your employer or is supporting you financially. If you attempt to help someone by diluting the truth, it is not helpful; it is hurtful. This is because diluted truth cannot equip anyone to overcome undiluted attacks; half-truths cannot sustain you through complete trials.
If someone dilutes the truth to try and appease your feelings, appeal to your emotions or seek your approval, they are not helping you but hindering you. While this may seem like it comes from a place of human sympathy, if you look deep enough, you will often discover that the root of that human sympathy stems from sympathy with sin.
As James encourages us in James 1:21, be sure to “get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the Word planted in you, which can save you.” While we may be bombarded by many words of advice and advertisements that, humanly speaking, seem like they can bring change, remember that it is only the truth of God’s Word that will set you free and bring lasting change.
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, help me to discern and apply the truth of God’s Word to my daily life. Help me to always speak the truth in love to those you have called me to encourage. In Jesus’ name, amen.