“Greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. My name is Musengeli from South Africa. I want to share how our great God has done what no man can do for me. I was employed with one organisation for more than seven years with no career growth. Things got worse when those who were junior to me were getting promoted and nothing was coming my way. Though I was being called for interviews, nothing was coming out of them. On Saturday 4 May, I had the opportunity to be among those who received Interactive Prayer with Brother Chris. During the prayer, I was asking God for intervention regarding an interview I went for six days before prayer. On June 5, I received an email from the interviewer saying they would not continue with my application. However, in my heart, I still believed in the prayer that was offered and that I would receive a call for the position. To the glory of God, on June 20, they called me and offered me a job which will double my earnings as well as bring the growth I desired. Thank You, Jesus Christ!”