Isaiah 2:22, “Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. Why hold them in esteem?”
People of God, there is a tendency today to have unrealistic expectations of the people around us. If care is not taken, this can cause us to close our hearts from helping others because of a bad experience in the past. If you become bitter over betrayal and discouraged over disappointment, then you only serve to fulfil satan’s purpose which is to take you out of the will of God. A bitter heart cannot serve God in Spirit and truth. That is why we must learn to cut down on our expectations of men and step up in our expectations of God.
Many people fall into the trap of bestowing trust, which is reserved for God alone, onto fellow human beings. They have viewed their relationship with others to be comparable or even of greater value to them than their relationship with God. When you give Christ His proper place in your heart, you will not set yourself up for bitterness, disappointment and resentment if man fails you.
It’s not worth damaging your hearts for the sake of mere flesh and blood. Only God holds tomorrow. That is why we must stop putting our hope and our confidence in man. Love everyone but trust only God. Love without expectation, without conditions or strings attached. Because when you love someone without expecting something back from the person you are giving to, then you are sowing seeds in the Spirit.
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, I choose today to honour You above all and give You Your proper position in my life. Help me to trust You more than anyone I know of. In Jesus’ name, amen.