“My name is Karina from Peru and I want to let you know how God, in His immense mercy, worked in my life in the area of my work, and also in my mother’s life. I needed prayer support for the difficult situation that I was going through in my workplace. For me, it seemed impossible to have new opportunities in my work and I faced harassment and bullying. I was not given the option of promotion and my situation worsened with sanctions that tarnished my work record after a dismissal. Suddenly, I saw through YouTube that Brother Chris’ ministry has Interactive Prayers through Zoom and I know that there are no barriers for God to work through His servants. By faith, I sent an email to participate in Interactive Prayers. God gave me the opportunity to participate in the Encouragement Service on April 20, 2024. I also invited my mother to participate and she accepted. She had recently had a medical test on her left breast to rule out cancer because they had detected a mass inside in the first ultrasound. After joining the Encouragement Service and receiving prayer from Brother Chris, my mum went for a new ultrasound and when the results came out, they found nothing! The mass had gone! She was healed by the mercy of our Almighty God using Brother Chris. Then, I participated again in the Interactive Prayer on May 4, 2024. When Brother Chris was praying for us, I began to vomit. After that, I felt very light! After two days, I was changed from that department in my work and later on, they promoted me to another branch of this mining company! What seemed impossible to me, God made it possible after years of waiting for this change! God has definitely favoured me in my professional life. All glory be to Him!”