“Grace and peace to you all in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. My name is Vivian from Zambia. I want to share my testimonies of what God has done in my life. I had been looking for a job for many years. I am a teacher by profession. What used to happen is that whenever I was about to encounter breakthrough, I would have a strange dream and once I had that dream, nothing good would come out of my efforts. So, I decided to send my prayer request to God’s Heart TV. I was opportune to be part of the Zoom Interactive Prayer Service on January 6, 2024. Late last year in 2023, there was a recruitment of teachers in our country. The names of the selected teachers came out late in January 2024 and to God be the glory, I was among the selected ones! That’s my first testimony, even though the second one is a continuation of the first.
“After being selected, we were told to open an account. When someone is opening an account, you need to have a certificate collected from the Zambia Revenue Authority. For you to collect it, you have to provide your National Registration Card (NRC). I went to collect the certificate but was told that they couldn’t give me because I was sharing my National Registration Card with someone. They told me to come back after sixteen days so that they could resolve it. I started the process on January 29 but until March, they were just giving me different excuses for the delay. The process that was supposed to take just 12 to 16 days took almost two months.
“For this reason, I decided to send another prayer request to God’s Heart TV. After sending the prayer request, I went back again to check if they had worked on it – but they still said they hadn’t. That was on March 19. On March 22, I went again. They initially said the same thing but then the lady asked me to wait as she checked. To the glory of God, brethren, she found my certificate and told me that it was ready on March 19 – just after I had submitted my prayer request! It can only be God. I give all the glory and honour to God Almighty. Thank You, Lord. Thank you, Brother Chris, and the God’s Heart TV team for making yourself available for God to use you. My advice to people of God is that we should not be desperate. No matter the situation, let us surrender everything unto God.”