“Grace and peace to you all in Jesus’ name. My name is Kesiame from Botswana. This testimony is about my son, David. He is six years old. At the age of two, he developed a habit of waking up in the middle of the night choking and gasping for air. We thought it was because of the way he slept as he prefers lying flat on his tummy. It continued until in February 2023, he started snoring heavily – such that he would even foam at the mouth. His snoring was so loud that he could be heard in another room. He would toss and turn every night, especially when he had a cold or flu – a painful experience. We then consulted a doctor who, after examining him, said that his tonsils were swollen and that’s what caused the snoring. He gave him medicine and said it would help. He further said that if the swelling did not go, he would have to undergo an operation. The medicine did not help in any way. That’s when my husband submitted a prayer request to God’s Heart TV. We joined the Interactive Prayer Service with Brother Chris on September 2nd 2023. During the prayer, we experienced nothing visible but we believed that God was at work. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for healing my son. It has been six months now since his healing – no more snoring and gasping for air, no more foaming at the mouth, no more tossing and turning every night. My son sleeps peacefully! We now read the Bible together every day. Thank you, Brother Chris, and the God’s Heart TV family for your prayers. Thank You, Jesus. My advice to you brethren – never doubt your faith; rather doubt your doubts because they are unreliable. God bless you all!”