“The problem I was suffering from was pain in my chest. I got tired easily, especially when I was running or doing any exercise. This had been affecting my life as a boxer. I saw Brother Chris pray for people through the screen and they were healed. At that time, I emailed the God’s Heart TV Team and they sent me a message that I had been invited to the Interactive Prayers. When Brother Chris prayed for me, since that time, I felt that all the heaviness and trouble in my chest has gone away! After that prayer with Brother Chris, I don’t feel that pain or trouble in my chest anymore. I can go for a long run and do any exercise I used to do before. After that prayer on Saturday, on Monday there was a big tournament in our country – the Second North East Olympic Games, which was held in our state. When I was competing at that tournament, I was completely fine. I don’t feel that pain anymore. I won that tournament and here is the gold medal that I got. Thank you. God bless you all!” – Badonkupar, India