“Grace and peace to you all in the name of Jesus Christ. My name is Victor and I’m from Ghana. I am here to share a wonderful testimony of what the Lord did for my son when we got connected to the Interactive Prayer Service with Brother Chris. My son was delivered on 9th March 2023. And because he was so big – he was 4.5kg – there were complications after the delivery because he could not move his right arm. In fact, that arm was not moving at all. So, we were told to visit one of the biggest hospitals here in Ghana to see a physiotherapist. And when we got there, we had an appointment to visit every Monday of each week. It was a very difficult thing for us as a family.

We decided that we had to get in contact with God’s Heart TV, which we did. We sent an email and by the special grace of God, we were opportune to join the Interactive Prayer Service with Brother Chris on 6th May 2023. After that prayer, everything turned around for good! From that Saturday to Sunday, there was a rapid improvement in that arm, that the child began to move the arm. He began to raise his shoulders and arm up. His shoulders were moving properly! Then on Monday, as usual, we went back to the hospital and when the physiotherapist saw my son moving his arms, he couldn’t believe it! To the extent that he told us there was no more reason for us to keep coming because the child’s arm was moving properly. So, we want to thank God’s Heart TV. We want to thank Brother Chris for allowing yourself to be used mightily, even from a distance. Indeed, distance is not a barrier! Even from a distance, we received this healing. We give God Almighty praise for it.”