“My name is Emily from the United Kingdom. I had previously been having severe pains and aches during my menstruation, sometimes even missing it. I never thought much of it until we were looking to conceive. My sister wrote a prayer request to God’s Heart TV and was invited to the Interactive Prayer Service in May 2022. I joined the prayer session with her. After the prayer, we immediately received the fruit of the womb.

My pregnancy journey wasn’t easy. The sonographers discovered a large fibroid during my first scan although thankfully it was on the outside of my womb. The doctors were worried about the effects this would have on the baby and myself, in case it was growing as the baby was growing. It was alright until one night where I felt a prolonged extreme, acute pain. The pain was very bad! I couldn’t sleep that night and had to call off at work. I informed my midwife and she was very concerned. She decided to flag up my situation to the obstetrician and I was classed as high risk. Since then, I was visiting the hospital every month for a scan.

In November 2022, I was encouraged to apply for the Interactive Prayer for not only the pregnancy but also because we were looking for a permanent place to live. By God’s grace, we had the opportunity to be prayed for Brother Chris. Before long, the awaited month arrived. My baby came 10 days before her due date. I thank God I had a relatively uncomplicated delivery with no trouble from the fibroid. For a first-time pregnancy everyone commented how fast the labour went. The doctors were concerned that I would lose a lot of blood, so during labour the obstetrician came to the delivery suite to ask me – if worst came to worst – whether I would want a blood transfusion. I was reluctant to have any transfusion or think of the worst-case scenario whilst having contractions. I think they were worried because of the known large fibroid. The doctors knew what was going on but didn’t want to tell me the reality so that I don’t panic. God knew my thoughts. I called for His help and He pulled me through.

Immediately the baby was out, I was suddenly surrounded by about seven to eight midwives and the obstetrician, who were all ready to attend to me. It was amazing. Although I lost about 800ml of blood and had a second-degree tear, my blood count loss was surprisingly lower than they expected and both baby and myself were in good health. I knew God was on hand that day. I can’t stop thanking Him for His grace and rescue!

We had a double blessing that week. Our house purchase was completed three days after the baby’s birth. We now have a place to call home all for the Glory of God. I’m now a full-time mum and very much enjoying motherhood. Thank You, God, for these blessings. Thank you to Brother Chris and all of God’s Heart TV Team for caring and praying for us. My advice is in 2 Corinthians 12:9: “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me” and in Ephesians 6:10: “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might”.

Thank You, Jesus! To receive prayer during an Interactive Prayer Service with Brother Chris, please fill out your information including your prayer request in this form on the God’s Heart TV website –