“My name is Lawrence from Zambia. The prayers from our Brother Chris are really changing lives! My testimony goes like this. Before I came to know about God’s Heart TV, life was so hard. Eating was from ‘hand to mouth’. Debt was all over me and my family. But when Brother Chris prayed for me, my life started changing. I started receiving help from people. Even the small business we were doing of selling salad at the market – people started buying more than before. Our landlord come to start staying with us, helping us to buy food to eat with him. Even my health started changing – from a thin man to a good-looking, healthy body! And the peace of heart is increasing day-by-day. People of God, the prayers with our Brother Chris are really doing wonders – for those who believe and have faith in God. Glory be to God who is using Brother Chris to deliver us from chains of darkness to be free in Jesus Christ. Amen!”