“On 12th November 2022, I was opportune to join the Interactive Prayer Service with Brother Chris. I was prayed for by Brother Chris. I had a problem that was diagnosed in my right eye. There was a blood vessel that was touching where I am supposed to see. And it affected my eyes. I couldn’t see properly, read or use my computer. The problem caused blurring and diminishing vision. People of God, it affected me and I was in pain. So, on 12th November 2022, I was prayed for by Brother Chris. After the prayer, I felt happy. There was joy inside me. I knew that something had happened. God had answered my prayers! And after a week, people of God, I went back to the hospital where I was diagnosed. And when the doctor examined and checked me, he found that the blood vessel had gone! It had disappeared. It was clear! People of God, I want to say thank You, Jesus, for healing me. Thank you, Brother Chris, for allowing yourself to be used by God. Thank you, God’s Heart TV, for the work you are doing. May God bless you. Thank You, Jesus! I am happy! I am back to my real self – the way God created me. Hallelujah!” – Petronella, Zambia