“My name is Nicholas, a Ghanaian living in Ivory Coast. I want to thank God and give Him all the glory! On 11th March 2023, my wife gave birth to a baby boy by the divine mercy of God. After giving birth, the doctor said my baby was having a stomach problem and he needed to urgently operate my baby boy. At just four days old, they said he had to be operated before he could be breastfed – because there was a blockage in his stomach. At that time, I became confused because I considered that my baby was too small for an operation and I was in financial problems because of debt. I was confused; I didn’t know what to do. I remembered that I had saved the number of God’s Heart TV on my phone, so I sent a message, explaining the situation and asking for God’s mercy for my baby boy’s life. By the grace of God, the God’s Heart TV Team responded to my message and called me. They told me Brother Chris wanted to pray for my baby and I became so happy! By the grace of God, Brother Chris prayed for my baby. He then told me that God had taken control of the situation and if there was need for an operation, I should not be afraid and it would be successful. Indeed, the operation was successful by God’s grace. My son is now over one year old and is in very good health. I thank God for the life of my son, and I thank Brother Chris also for allowing himself to be used by God to pray for my baby boy and encourage me in a time of distress. Praise the Lord! Thank You, Jesus!”