Proverbs 4:24-25, ‘Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you.’
God has created you to be unique! That is why it is unnecessary to compare yourself with those around you. The journey of your life may look different to others. You are not what the world, society, friends or people around you say you are. You are what God says you are! Therefore, comparing yourself with others is a waste of time and energy. Comparison and carnal competition are weapons of mass distraction. When it comes to destiny, there is no competition – what is for you is for you!
If you pursue God’s goal for your life, while troubles will come, God will equip you to face them and strengthen you to overcome. But if you are pursuing God’s goal for someone else, because of imitation or unhealthy comparison, you may seem to ‘get away with it’, but very soon you will encounter trouble that God has not equipped you to face. When that happens, it will likely derail you.
To have rightful focus, you must guard your heart. You must take care of your heart. To guard your heart, avoid the trap of comparison. So take time to find out what God’s Word says about the one life He has for you to live and limit those opportunities to focus on what others are doing with an unguarded heart.
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, open my heart to Your Word. Let me see life from Your point of view and follow in Your footsteps. In Jesus’ Name, amen.