“I am Annie from Zambia. I want to give God all the honour! Praise be to the Owner of my soul, Jesus Christ. It all started like this. I was pregnant, so I want for scan and found that the baby had a cord around his neck. As I approached the time of my delivery, I sent a prayer request to Brother Chris, asking for God’s intervention. The team replied that they were praying for me and it was well with me. After a week, I went back for a scan and found that the cord around the neck was no longer there! How it happened is only down to God’s intervention. Later, I received I call from God’s Heart TV that Brother Chris wanted to pray for me. He prayed for me on the phone and declared it is well! When my pregnancy reached 40 weeks, the doctor said, ‘If you don’t deliver by this week, you will be booked for induction’. I sent another prayer request to Brother Chris and the God’s Heart TV Team replied that they were keeping me in prayer. Surprisingly, I was told that I would be booked for induction on Thursday the following week and I entered into labour on Saturday and delivered my baby safely the following day! God is faithful. My word of advice is – never doubt your Guard. God can do it again and again. He is the same God He has always been – yesterday, today and forever. You don’t need to doubt. Thank You, Jesus! My prayer is that God should give me the grace to raise my children in the way of the Lord.”