“My name is Erica and I’m from Indiai. My first testimony is that I was having too many migraines and suffering from sciatica. And the pain was so much that even if I walked on the road, I would freeze. I could not sit down, even for one minute, on my knees. I couldn’t kneel. And I was very disheartened when people used to say, ‘Kneel down and let’s worship God’ – and I couldn’t do it. But after attending the Interactive Prayer Service – thanks be to God – I’m able to kneel down! Not for one or two minutes but for hours, I can kneel down and pray.
My second testimony is that I was having a lot of demonic attacks – physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally. And I was also having nightmares, dreaming of dead people. Pain of the past. When Brother Chris was rebuking the spirits in the mighty name of Jesus, I felt something was being uprooted out of me; I felt like puking. Suddenly, I could feel that I was being strangled. Something was struggling not to come out of me. And my chest was paining so badly that I thought my heart would burst open. But when Brother Chris continued to pray and rebuke the evil spirit, I finally vomited and I felt very light in my whole body.
When Brother Chris was rebuking satan and the evil spirits, I saw fire literally coming out of his palms. At first, I was startled and said to myself, ‘I hope it’s not my imagination. What am I seeing?’ The second time when I tried to focus and I looked at his hands clearly, this time it wasn’t only his hands. I saw two hands with deep wounds in them throwing fire. And I want to tell you that I have no doubt that it was the hands of Jesus who delivered me. And when Jesus has set you free, you are free indeed!”