John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
People of God, what many people run after and seek today ultimately does not satisfy them. Each time they seem to reach the destination that they are seeking, they start looking for something else. In the pursuit of money, fame, pleasure or popularity, they have compromised their value and have gone astray from God’s purpose for their lives. When they get money, they realise they need position. When they get position, they realise they need fame. When they get fame, they realise they need popularity. They are never truly fulfilled.
Brethren, you may search all over, look far and wide, travel the world – but there is only one Source of peace in this world, and that is the Prince of Peace. Until you experience God, there will be dissatisfaction in your life!
When we look at what’s happening in society, so many people today are living their lives without reference to God. People are drifting from their divine destiny until they come to a dead end. Don’t wait for that to happen to you before you realise just how much you need God. Don’t wait for consequences and repercussions to strike before you realise this truth, that the peace given by Christ is infinitely more valuable than anything that this world has to offer.
Let us prioritise peace before pleasure and cleansing before comfort because what this world has to offer is time-bound but that which comes from Christ is eternal.
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, let my heart be set apart for You and You alone. Help me always to remember to keep the Saviour first in mind as I hold fast to the One who has overcome the world for me!